EEScan - Multi-sensor single-camera solution

The EEScan camera offers all the capabilities of a top-end scanner at a very competitive price level. This cost effective solution is achieved through a unique single-camera solution delivering full performance multi-sensor data where other scanners need many cameras.

Single camera delivering:
- Colour
- Grayscale
- Line laser scatter
- Dot laser fibre analysis
- 3D profile
- Side Light

Design Details

The camera design is centered around a CMOS imager suitable for high-speed data acquisition with its ability to window sub-regions, allowing to optimize speed depending on lumber dimensions. The architecture supports time synchronization of lights (lasers and LEDs) and camera exposure down to microseconds in a system of up to four cameras. External I/O from encoders and photocells are tagged directly to the datastream in the camera. On-board processing handles real-time data reduction with proprietary algorithms to deliver 3D-shape, regular colour and grayscale images, line laser scatter image and dot laser fibre analysis for true Slope-of-Grain. There is no need for framegrabber hardware on the PC receiving the data from the cameras.